We finished P90X!

Well, we finished P90X! It’s a little anti-climactic on the blog, since we aren’t posting before / after pics to prove that we had results. But really, and this is the third time (I think) that I’ve mentioned this in a post, we would not have gone the whole 90 days if we weren’t seeing / feeling the results. So trust me, the before / after pics are pretty cool. Y bien, terminamos P90X! Es un poco anticlimatico en el blog, ya que no pusimos fotos del antes y despues para probar que tuvimos resultados. Pero en sverdad, y creo que esta es la tercera vez que menciono esto en un post, no hubiesemos hecho los 90 dias sin ver o sentir buenos resultados. Asi que creanme, las fotos de antes y despues son bien geniales.
There really isn’t much to say about Phase III. We already had the equipment, we were already in the groove with the nutrition plan. I will say, by the end of Phase III we were EXHAUSTED. In phases I and II you get a “recovery week” after 3 weeks, but in Phase III the recovery week doesn’t come until after 4 weeks and in our case after 5 weeks since we added an extra 7 days. So by the time we got to the recovery week we were pretty desperate! No hay mucho que decir sobre la fase III. Ya teniamos el equipamiento, ya estabamos encaminados con la dieta. Debo decir, al final de la fase III estabamos MUERTOS. En las fases I y II te dan una “semana de recuperaciom” despues de 3 semanas, pero en la fase III la semana de recuperacion no viene hasta despues de 4 semanas, y en nuestro caso 5 semanas, ya que agregamos 7 dias mas. Asi que al momento de la semana de recuperacion estabamos mas o menos desesperados!
this is Javi – totally exhausted.
Here are a few final tips that we wanted to share from our experience. First, before you start you should try to schedule your “rest day” on a day that you know is already incredibly busy. Don’t put it on a Saturday because you don’t want to do anything on Saturday, put it on a day that is full of other stuff so that you aren’t skipping workouts because you’re too busy. And while we’re on the topic of skipping workouts, don’t ever skip two days in a row. It’s fairly easy to come back from one missed day but coming back from two missed days is torturous. Which brings me to the last tip, which is one we’ve said over and over – get someone to do this with you. If Javi and I weren’t doing this together we never would have finished. There were times when both of us were ready to give up the ghost but it never happened to both of us at the same time, so we were always ready to drag the other one to the yoga mat to do the next round of ab ripper X or plyometrics or whatever. Aqui van unos cuantos consejos de nuestra experiencia. Primero, antes de empezar intenten poner su dia de descanso en un dia que saben que sera muy ocupado y posiblemente no podran ejercitar. No lo pongan en un Sabado solo porque no quieren hacer nada los Sabados, Ponganlo en un dia que tienen lleno y asi no se saltan entrenamientos por estar muy ocupado. Y mientras estamos en el tema de saltarse entrenamientos, nunca se salten dos entrenamientos seguidos. Es facil volver a la rutina despues de saltarse uno, pero volver despues de saltarse dos es una tortura. Lo que me lleva al ultimo consejo, el cual hemos dicho una y otra vez – encuentren a alguien para entrenar con ustedes. Si Javi y yo no hubiesemos hecho esto juntos al mismo tiempo, nunca hubiesemos terminado. Habian momento donde los dos estabamos listos para tirar la toalla, pero nunca nos paso al mismo tiempo, asi que estabamos preparados para arrastrar al otro a la colchoneta y hacer una ronda mas de Ab Ripper X o Plyometrics o lo que sea.

So…did it work? That’s the big question, and according to our little wordpress stats page, that’s the question that people type into search engines that lead to our blog. It happens every day – “does P90X really work?” “P90X results” “is P90X worth it?” and the big answer is, there is no way that you won’t be in the best shape of your life if you actually do the program. If you follow the nutrition plan and do all of the workouts and make up for missed days and do it all the way to the end, YOU WILL DEFINITELY SEE RESULTS. We eat healthier, we drink more water, we are more flexible, stronger, we sleep better because we are tired from workouts…you get the idea. You just have to stick with it. And trust me, that’s hard. By the end of the 90 days we were really, really sick of it. We practically memorized all of Tony’s corny one-liners (and by the way, if you are doing P90X, make sure to check out this ranking of the supporting cast – you can skip your ab workout for the day because you will laugh so hard). But – it felt GREAT to finish and we are so glad we stuck to it. La pregunta ahora es….funciono? Esa es la gran pregunta, y de acuerdo a nuestra informacion del blog, esa es la pregunta que la mayoria de la gente busca respuesta en internet y los lleva a nuestro blog. Pasa todos los dias – “P90X en verdad funciona?” “resultados de P90X” ” vale la pena P90 y la respuesta es, no hay ninguna manera que no estaran en la mejor forma de su vida si en verdad se dedican a hacer el programa. Si siguen la guia de nutricion y entrenan cuando deben y no se saltan entrenamientos y lo hacen hast el final, VERAN RESULTADOS DEFINITIVAMENTE. Ahora comemos mas sano, tomamos mas agua, somos mas flexibles, mas fuertes, dormimos mejor….entienden la idea. Solo tienen que hacerlo. Nosotros practicamente memorizamos todas la bromas de Tony (y a proposito, si estan haciendo P90X, asegurense de revisar esta ranking de la gente que entrena con Tony en los videos – pueden saltarse su entrenamiento de abdominales ese dia despues de reirse tanto). Pero – se siente GENIAL haber terminado y estamos contentos de haberlo hecho hasta el final.

Now for the kicker – we are taking a week off from working out (well-deserved! And maybe drinking a milkshake, a few beers and eating a pizza) and then we are starting the next fitness adventure – INSANITY! It’s only 60 days and the workouts are shorter with more cardio, so I’m really excited. I don’t think it will be easier but I definitely think we are ready for it and I’m happy to start something new!! Bring it on Shaun T! Ahora para la sorpresa – vamos a tomarnos una semana de descanso sin entrenar (muy merecida! y tal vez tomaremos algun milkshake, y algunas cervezas y comeremos pizza) y luego empezaremos nuestra nueva aventura – INSANITY! Son solo 60 dias y los entrenamientos son un poco mas cortos con mas cardio, asi que estoy con muhcas ganas! No creo que sera mas facil pero creo que estamos listos y felices de hacer algo nuevo!! Nos vemos pronto Shaun T!

15 responses to “We finished P90X!”

  1. wow! that is really awesome! i’ve done some workouts from P90X. I’ve actually never thought of doing the whole 90 days. Great work! Good luck with Insanity!!

  2. Thanks for the motivational boost. I am only on a walking binge right now, but I too am feeling the results. No wonder you liked my post about Italian family dinners!

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