Kentucky Derby Festival Balloon Glimmer

Things usually go quiet on the blog when I’m feeling super busy; the more I have to write about, the less chances I have to actually sit down and write. Part of that is my complete inability to set a schedule for myself, but now that I’m working from home (photography, editing, managing my shop) I need to get better about structuring my day. It’s a learning curve for someone who has spent the last four years planning a schedule around touring alone, but I’ve started organizing how often I go hunting for my shop, when I plan to do shop updates (each update takes about two full days of photography, editing and listing), when I go to the post office with orders (instead of just any random day or time when I can) and other little things like that. Anyway… Cuando me siento muy ocupada, no escribo mucho en el blog; mientras mas tengo que contar en el blog, menos oportunidades tengo para sentarme y escribir sobre lo que esta pasando. Parte de esto es mi incapacidad de crear un horario para mi misma, pero ahora que estoy trabajando en casa (con fotografía, editando, manejando mi tienda) necesito mejorar la estructura de mi vida diaria. Es dificil para alguien quien ha pasado los últimos cuatro años planeando alrededor del horario de las giras. He empezado a planear cuando voy a ir de compras para el inventario, cuando tengo que hacer actualizaciones en el website de mi tienda (lo que usa dos días enteros llenos de fotografía, editando y haciendo los listings), y cuando voy al correo con las ordenes (en vez de ir en cualquier momento cuando tengo la oportunidad). Ahora…
Leighton KDF2017
Leighton expressing how I feel these days.
Derby is in full swing over here and Javier and I are completely immersed in the Kentucky Derby Festival fun. We missed Thunder Over Louisville, but the Great Balloonfest is my *favorite* series of KDF events so I didn’t want to miss any of that. Unfortunately, like last year, the actual race was canceled due to inclement weather. That was a bummer for me because I was planning to go to Bowman Field in the morning before takeoff and get some photos of the balloons in the morning light…but we went to the glimmer on Thursday night and I don’t think I put my camera down the entire time. Derby esta en plena marcha aquí en Louisville y Javier y yo estamos completamente inmersos en el festival del Kentucky Derby. Perdimos el evento “Thunder Over Louisville” (fuegos artificiales), pero el gran festival de globos aerostaticos es la serie de eventos *favoritos* para mi, asi que no queria perderme nada de esto. Desafortunadamente, como el año pasado, la carrera de los globos fue cancelada por el tiempo. Esto fue una lastima para mi porque tenia planes de ir al sitio de lanzamiento, al lado de nuestra casa, antes de la carrera para sacar fotos de los globos en la luz de la mañana…pero fuimos a un evento el noche anterior llamado el “glimmer” y saque un montón de fotos allí.

Kentucky Derby Festival BalloonFest 2017

Photo Apr 28, 12 16 27 PM.jpg

Photo Apr 28, 12 13 51 PM (1)



USA Balloon Glimmer on the Louisville Waterfront

Last year we went to the balloon glow at the Kentucky Fairgrounds with the Winkler family. The glimmer is a smaller, much more manageable version of the glow (although we loved the glow last year, and I’d recommend both events). The glimmer was held on the waterfront next to the chow wagon, so in addition to about 15 balloons lighting up in front of the river there was plenty of (fried and delicious) food, beer, and some carnival-style rides for the kids. We went with the Winkler fam again this year and spent a couple of hours walking around the balloons and eating three (three!) orders of fried oreos, like good Kentucky festival-going folks. El año pasado fuimos al evento llamado el “glow” con la familia Winkler. El “glimmer” es el mismo que el “glow” pero mas pequeño y mejor para niños chicos (aunque nos gustaron los dos eventos y yo recomendaría los dos!). El glimmer fue en el parque al lado del rio junto con el chow wagon (otro festival de comida y bebida). Esta vez fuimos de nuevo con la familia Winkler y pasamos dos horas felices caminando alrededor de los globos y comiendo tres (tres!!) ordenes de oreos fritas. Demasiado rico!

Kentucky Derby Festival Chow Wagon 2017

Kentucky Derby Festival Chow Wagon 2017
Fried Oreos…rounds one and two

Leighton at the Chow Wagon 2017Gretchen and Leighton KDF Chow Wagon 2017Kentucky Derby Festival Balloon Glimmer 2017 1

1 Louisville Balloon Glimmer Waterfront
The Winklers…next year they’ll be a family of 5!
We wanted to go to the glow with Ian, Andrea and the kids but it was rained out, and then of course the balloon race was rained out on Saturday morning. So we’re glad we got the glimmer in, but I feel cheated out of potentially fabulous photo ops with happy kids and colorful balloons with a hazy sunrise backdrop…but there’s always next year! Queriamos ir al glow con Ian, Andrea y sus hijos pero esto también fue cancelado por el tiempo, y por su puesto la carrera fue cancelada el Sábado en la mañana. Asi que estamos felices de poder haber ido por lo menos al glimmer, aunque que perdi muchas oportunidades de fotos con mis sobrinos con los globos aerostáticos…siempre esta el año que viene!
2 Kentucky Derby Festival Balloon Glimmer
A dozen hot air balloons and she’s pointing out the airplane up above.
Balloon Glimmer KDF2017
What a couple of DADS right there
Instax Mini Dancing Kids
Everett has all the moves


The crew! Gurt refrained but I’m doing the pregnant lady pose…it says “maybe from where you’re standing it looks like I just ate a big burrito, but there’s a BABY in here!” – did I pull it off?

3 responses to “Kentucky Derby Festival Balloon Glimmer”

  1. Your post called to mind a happy day, a very long time ago.

    Smack in the middle of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida is the much smaller town of Wilton Manors, and right in the middle of THAT is the teensy little village of Lazy Lake – thirteen old homes around a very small lake.

    Our friends, Steve and Sue, who lived in an apartment carved out of one of those homes decided to be married under the tall pines surrounding Lazy Lake. During the ceremony, dozens of bright hot air balloons passed over head, skimming the treetops, the occasional WHOOSH of a gas jet their only sound.

    Serendipitously, the annual balloon race from Bimini to Ft. Lauderdale just happened to be occurring the same day as Steve and Sue’s wedding, balloon after balloon coming in for the finish like some kind of grand confetti celebrating this special day.

    It was magical.

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